back to the music zone
michael is a big bowie fan
here is this cool bowie gif i found
albums ive listened to:
- the man who sold the world(1970)
- hunky dory(1971)
- the rise and fall of ziggy stardust
and the spiders from mars(1972)
- aladdin sane(1973)
- diamond dogs(1974)
- young americans(1975)
- station to station(1976)
- low(1977)
- heroes(1977)
- lodger(1979)
- scary monsters(1980)
- let's dance(1983)
- never let me down(1987)
- earthling(1997)
- hours...(1999)
- heathen(2002)
- reality(2013)
- blackstar(2016)
i dont have a favorite but id say i really like
station to station, low and heroes.
theyre just really cool
bowie gifs i found on the web

thanks for reading!!